October Meeting – Pirate Game

October Meeting Pirate Game Spa Sweethearts

Such a fabulous way to celebrate in October with ‘Another birthday and another pirate game.’ Joining us was the lovely Sweetheart Lucy Turner taking charge as the gamemaster, along with her glamorous assistant Sahra McCann.

So, with enough excitement surging through our veins, the game commenced. As the atmosphere heated up everyone got serious, using cunning tactics to get ahead in the game, whilst keeping a sharp eye on tracking the money movements at the same time.

We all had a fun evening, full of laughs which was a good mood booster, even with all the cutthroat and calculated strategic play. The pirate game winners were Dawn and her partner who headed home with the prize. Paula won both the hat competition and raffle prizes. Refreshments of tea, coffee or juice with a slice of apple cake were served and enjoyed before the game.

At next months meeting we are having a gift-wrapping demonstration. Hopefully, this will inspire us to stretch our creative gift-wrapping skills this Christmas. Please come along and join in the fun whilst picking up lots of lovely ideas. All members plus guests are welcome, on Thursday 14th November. That’s a wrap!!