September Meeting – Allerton Waste

At our September meeting we had a visit from Laura Cooke representing the Allerton Waste Recovery Centre to talk about a load of rubbish! She gave a highly informative presentation on the process and journey of what happens to our black bin content, recycled plastics, glass, and paper.
Rubbish is sorted into appropriate categories by hand and in the trommel tumblers. Some waste products produce useable energy, others are burnt, or it goes to landfill. Any rubbish put into landfill could still be there after 100’s of years and indefinitely. We had very good attendance, with members enjoying the talk and asking plenty of interesting questions. In the future there is a possibility that a trip to the centre could be arranged. So, watch this space…!
Following the presentation tea, coffee or juice were served alongside a choice of yummy biscuits and homemade raspberry & frozen pea cake(Good house keeping) orange & lemon drizzle cakes, home made by our lovely Sweethearts.